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In a World Filled with Noise
April 15, 2022
Earlier today, I was waiting outside a local coffee shop to visit with a friend when it hit me that it was so noisy in the area. Then, as happens sometimes, the idea of a blog post hit me with...
Easy Ways to Reduce or Eliminate Sugar
April 7, 2022
Last week I wrote about Sugar Addiction and mentioned that I'd write this week about ways to reduce or eliminate sugar. Some people think it is easy to give up or eliminate sugar, but... Is it REALLY EASY? Good question!...
Are You Addicted to Sugar?
March 30, 2022
In the United States alone, it is estimated that Americans consume 22 teaspoons of added sugar in their daily diet. On top of what they are already consuming, that equals an additional 350 calories per day. Granulated sugar, a refined...
Balance for Every Body
March 25, 2022
Core strength, flexibility, and posture are vital in maintaining balance and stability in our daily activities and it is ultimately essential for avoiding injury. As we enter the senior years, although some of you reading this aren't anywhere near being...
Gain Momentum with Reflection and Intention
March 11, 2022
We are almost three full months into 2022. Do you feel any different? Are you doing anything differently? Or is it just another day like 2021 was? If you're like me and have a junk email folder, you've probably already...
What Do Horses Have to Do With Weight Loss?
February 24, 2022
I get asked this all the time! "Vonie - what do horses have to do with weight loss?" Here's the short answer — ? Recent studies conducted by the Institute of Heart-Math provide a clue to explain the two-way ′′healing′′...
The Practice of Good Health Equals Success
February 19, 2022
Maybe your health isn't what you want it to be. Perhaps you've vowed to go on a diet time and time again only to sabotage your efforts. Or, maybe you keep finding yourself skipping those workouts and plan to do...
Three Keys to Better Health
January 31, 2022
William Shakespeare was quoted to say, "Our Bodies are our gardens, to which our wills are gardeners." When I read that quote, I paused and let the words sink in. As I thought about my body being a garden, I...
Hump Day
January 5, 2022
Back in November, I wrote a post called “A War Between Body, Mind, and Spirit.” I want to play on that a little bit more this week, as I had some interesting responses to the email. One subscriber wrote back...
The Healing Power of Horses - A Cancer Survivor's Story
December 27, 2021
Balancing a book and a water bottle on a white plastic chair, I made my way into my horse’s pasture where I would settle myself for some reading and quiet time. Acknowledging my presence, my gelding Cody lifted his head....
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You Deserve to BE HAPPY! Heal Your Heart & Love Your Life! A happy heart incorporates mind, body, and spirit!

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