8 Benefits of Group Coaching

December 23, 2022

Unlike any other time in history, the world we live in today offers many opportunities for learning, growth, and development.

We can watch videos, listen to podcasts, attend workshops and lectures on zoom, read books from great teachers, such as Brené Brown, and so much more.

Another way to learn, grow, and develop yourself is through the group coaching process.

In the case of my 12-week online group coaching program, One Size Fits None; it looks like this —

  1. Participants bring their life experiences to the group and develop deep connections with the other participants knowing they are not alone on their journey toward creating a healthier lifestyle.
  2. The coaching and group support offers a greater likelihood of success in achieving the goals the participants set for themselves.
  3. When there are more eyes and ears on a situation, the knowledge base expands, allowing for a greater perspective in finding solutions to difficulties.
  4. A culture for continued learning and creative thinking develops, which drives participants to a greater level of personal development.
  5. Participants develop greater listening skills when others share their stories.
  6. With each success, participants learn to trust that they can finally achieve their desire to live healthier lives, and the group celebrates with them.
  7. Doing things solo isn’t always fun, so a group offers the benefit of sharing the journey, building relationships, and having fun simultaneously.
  8. The cost of group coaching is a fraction of the cost of private one-on-one coaching, so it offers excellent value for the offer.

As a coach who facilitates group coaching around a topic that often fosters shame and guilt, I am honored to have witnessed some amazing transformations with the participants I’ve worked with. Their journeys inspire me to continue supporting them in a discovery process to uncover their relationship with food, exercise, and health.

Below is a recent Facebook post (with permission to share) from a previous One Size Fits None group coaching client.


This was not my heaviest, but this is a before and after of my weight loss journey! 325 down. I still have more to go, but I’m on my way!! The program that helped me the most was “One Size Fits None “! I worked on myself from the inside out”! I’m thinking of doing the program again to keep me going forward! Come do it with me! All on zoom! Not just about weight loss but about feeling and being healthier. Body, mind, and spirit!! I HATE having my picture taken, much less sharing it with people. I get that I’m beautiful, no matter what size I am!!












If living a healthier life is important to you, join me for some group coaching through One Size Fits None, my twice-monthly group calls. Or, as Collette did, schedule a call to learn more about my One Size Fits None program.

With Love,


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