Maybe your health isn't what you want it to be. Perhaps you've vowed to go on a diet time and time again only to sabotage your efforts. Or, maybe you keep finding yourself skipping those workouts and plan to do better next week.
Before you know it, it's next month or even worse, six months later, and you're still feeling the pressure of not being where you want to be in life.
I've been there. Sometimes I'm still there and have to remind myself that it's a matter of habits and triggers.
Consider this Jim Rohn quote - "motivation is what gets you started. Habits are what keep you going".
It's easy to say, if you're not happy where you are in life, change it. But it's another story to actually do it.
However, if you decide to change something, know that you've signed up for something uncomfortable because change is usually uncomfortable.
First, ask yourself, do I want this change?
If it's a resounding yes, make a vow with yourself. Vow that you won't give up and that you'll do your very best to keep your commitment to yourself.
Below are five tips to help you create new habits and keep that commitment.
On a final note, it's never too late to start something new.
If you think you're too old, if you wait until you're ready, or you're 10 pounds thinner, you could end up waiting another six months or six years for the perfect time to make the changes.
Give yourself the gift of being your best friend. What would you tell them?
If you'd like some more information on creating better habits, I recommend Automatic Habits by James Clear. It's a great book.
You can also join me in my program, 'One Size Fits None'. and gain tools to help you improve your health and habits in life.
In Love and Health,