Living a Less Complicated Life

What if I told you life doesn’t have to be so damned complicated? What would you say?

If you’re like me, you’ve had some hard knocks in life, yet you keep getting up and pushing through towards your goals and dreams, or some days you do your best to just get through the day.

Because life delivers some hard blows, sometimes many often feel as if life is complicated and is never easy.

I’ve been there!

Here are TEN things you can do to make life less complicated

TYPOLOGY – Take a typology test such as a Myers-Briggs or Keirsey Bates test. Once you know your typology, you’ll better understand yourself. (Want the test? email me, and I'll send it to you)

There is more to typology, but what I’ve written is some basics.


CHANGE – Being open to change is a lot easier than not. Some people will find themselves in a state of being untroubled to change, yet if they don’t, they risk losing loved ones and careers and find themselves living with regrets. There is a status quo barrier that, if not careful, can keep you stuck.

Change can take time unless it’s a forced change, such as a job loss, a relationship ending, illness, or death.

John C. Maxwell wrote, “Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.

We also get to decide how we’ll handle the changes we are faced with. We can be bitter or use change as a learning experience for a better tomorrow.

When something bad happens, you have three choices. You can either let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you. ~ Dr. Seuss

VALUES – This is another avenue to knowing yourself better. When you know your top 10 and even top three values, you provide you with learning opportunities.

For example, one of my top values in Health/Fitness. If I’m not working out and living a healthy lifestyle, I get irritated, frustrated, not sleeping well, etc. So, moving toward my value feels good in this area of my life.

INTUITION – listen to your intuition; if you hear a voice so small or booming loud telling you to put on the brakes, then put on the brakes. If it’s a dose of fear over something you want to do, that’s a different story. Step into that fear and get the job done. Speaking from experience, if you don’t listen to your intuition, it can lead to living a more complicated life.

REVIEW YOUR GOALS DAILY – When you review your goals, you can take appropriate action daily, weekly, monthly, etc. Keeping it all in your head just doesn’t work. Instead, get a planner or use the apps on your phone to keep track of things.

MINUTES – We all have the same 1440 minutes in a day, so use every minute of the day. Yes, seriously! When you use every minute of the day to lean into your day, goals, and desires, you’ll accomplish more and find life less complicated. Give it a try. What do you have to lose?

FORCE YOURSELF – to do the things you don’t like to do. OMG! Right, who wants to do that? Simply put, when you force yourself to do the things you don’t want to do, you’ll get shit done.

For example, it’s a huge chore to get content written (that’s the fun part) and then set it all up to load to my social media accounts automatically. Then set blogs to load on my website, LinkedIn, etc. You get the point.

 One day, I’ll hire a virtual assistant to do all that for me. Believe me; it’s on the goal sheet.

ONE THING AT A TIME – It’s easy to get sucked into doing too many things at one time, which after some time makes things complicated. However, when you can focus on one thing at a time, you’ll get more done, resolve issues faster, and find life gets a bit smoother. \

SAY NO – When you say ‘no’ more often, you might find more peace and calm in your life. This is a practice I’m still working on. There is a saying that when you say ‘yes’ to something, you’re saying ‘no’ to something you really want to do.

CONTROL – When you worry about outcomes or fixate on what other people are doing or not doing, you’re acting in a controlling manner. Instead, focus on you!

CHANGING TO GROW TAKES COURAGE – You'll have days when your head will fill like it will explode with negative thoughts and days when it's filled with the gems of positive ideas and thoughts that will move you forward. You get tot decide which direction to take.

The list above is by no means complete, as there are certainly more things you can do to make life less complicated. I’d love to hear your views on how you work to make your life less complicated. So, please send me an email, and let’s start a conversation.

Cheers ? to a less complicated life,

P.S. Not sure you can live a less complicated life without some accountability? Schedule a complimentary call today, and let's see how we can get you there together.

P.S.S. Want to try some risk free coaching? Check out how, here.

Exercise for Beginners: 10 Exercises to Get You Started

You’ve decided it’s time to get back in shape, or maybe you are looking to get started for the first time, only you aren’t sure how to get started or what to do.

You’re not alone. 

Before you dive into an exercise program, there are some things to consider and some steps you can take before you begin.

First, remember that SMART Plan I sent you a couple of weeks ago? If you didn’t see it, here’s the link. Next, you’ll want to figure out what your specific goal is. For example, are you wanting to lose weight, feel better, increase your energy, play with your grandkids without feeling like you can’t keep up, sleep better, or decrease your disease risk?

There are so many reasons to start an exercise program. What’s our WHY?

Secondly, take the PAR-Q, a Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire that was created by the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology. The questionnaire is a readiness tool with seven questions that will determine how safe it is for you to begin exercise with or without a doctor’s consent.

Personally, in all my years of assessing someone’s health with the PAR-Q, a doctor has never said no to them starting an exercise program. However, they have given specific guidelines for clients whose assessment determined a doctor’s consent was needed for me to begin working with them.

What is your current fitness level?

Resting Heart Rate — First thing in the morning, without waking up to an alarm, take your pulse for 60 seconds and record that.

Blood Pressure — Find out what your average blood pressure is. Many pharmacies have blood pressure machines where you can take your own blood pressure.

Cholesterol Levels — If you’ve had high cholesterol or were borderline on the fence with high cholesterol, use a recent test or have a new one completed to determine your cholesterol levels. What is your HDL, LDL, and triglycerides numbers? Once you know what they are, you can watch them change as your health changes with a new exercise regimen.

Walk A Mile — How fast can you walk a mile, and what is your heart rate upon starting and finishing. As you get fitter, these numbers will go down, and you’ll have to walk faster to get them up.

Measurements — Using a tape measure, measure your right arm (thickest part of the arm), your chest (across the nipple line), rib cage, waist, hips, right thigh (the middle), and the calf (thickest part).

Weight — Step on a scale in the early morning before having water and weigh yourself. Write that number down. There is no shame, guilt, or blame, no matter what. Put the scale away, and don’t step on it again until you start to see some weight come off (assuming you want to lose weight).

Current or Previous Injury — Do you have any previous or current injuries that you’ll need to address before you start or that can be managed as you begin your workouts? If you do, check with your Physical Therapist, and get those PT exercises set as part of your routine.

Now You Are Ready for The Next Step

What Will You Do?

You know you’ve got to move your body, so what’s the thing you’re most likely to stick with? Is it walking or taking a water exercise class? Will you join a gym or workout from home? Will you need a workout buddy to keep you accountable? Hint, write this all down in your SMART Plan.

These are all good things to consider before you start.

Whatever you decide to undertake for a workout routine, remind yourself to start slowly and monitor your progress along the way.


As promised, here are 10 exercises to get you started at home!

Walk — Get yourself a good pair of walking/running shoes and start walking. Dress appropriately, layering up for cooler temperatures. In warmer weather, dress for 10 degrees warmer than the temperature.

Squats — Stand up straight, with your feet under your hips or slightly wider, engage your abs, lower yourself down towards the floor, push yourself back up and repeat. If you’re just starting out, you may want or need to hang on to a counter or some other unmovable object. You can start with 10 a day and increase from there. Want an extra boost. Do a squat for each piece of laundry you pick up and put in the washing machine.

Static Lunges — Standing up nice and tall, step one foot forward and the other back (hang on to a chair or counter if needed for balance). Drop your body towards the ground and lift back up. Keep the back leg engaged and squeeze through the butt. Keep the front knee over the toes. You should be able to see your big toe but not your smaller toes.

Bridges — Lying on your back, knees bent, and feet hip-distance apart (not too far from your butt), lifting your hips up and down from the ground. Start with 10.

Crunches — Lay on your back, knees bent (not too close to you), hands behind the head for support. From the rib cage, curl up (not all the way, this is a crunch), keep your head heavy into your hands, and avoid pulling on your neck. Start with 10 a day or less if your neck hurts.

Knee Planks — With your hands slightly wider than shoulder distance apart or on your forearms, push your hips forward to form a plank. Start with a 20 to 30-second hold. Work your way up to one 1-minute. Side note: So you’re not able to get on your knees, no problem, follow the basic guidelines here and use the wall, table, or kitchen counter.

Knee Pushup — Assume the knee plank position, with your elbows out to the side, lower your chest towards the floor. Go only as far as you’re able to maintain good form. Keep your ears lined with your shoulders. Keep the abs and glutes tight. This one can also be completed at a kitchen counter, a wall, or a table. Any non-moveable object will work. Start with 5 or 10. Just keep good form.

Modified Superman — Lay on your stomach, engage your abs and glutes, and lift your right arm and left leg, allowing your upper body to lift. Switch and do the other side. 8-12 on each side is a good start.

Clam Shells — Lay on your side with your knees bent. If you were laying against a wall, your head, upper back, butt, and feet would touch the wall. Keeping the feet together, open the top knee towards the ceiling without rolling the top hip back. 10 each side and progress to 30.

Inner Thighs — Lay on your back, knees bent, hip-distance apart and not too close to the butt; put a ball or large towel between the knees. Squeeze the ball or towel for 8 singles, add 8 pulses, and then hold for 8 counts. Remember to breathe. You can get a ball here.

Undertaking a fitness program is a big decision that requires effort and determination to meet your goals. It won’t happen overnight. Set a plan, get a workout buddy if you need one, hire a trainer, join a gym, or hire me to hold you accountable.

Whatever you do, don’t beat yourself up if you skip a day. Instead, get back on track the next day and keep up the effort. It will pay off!

If you just need help with a game plan, schedule a FREE 30-minute call with me. I’ll get you started.

Happy Exercising,


P.S. Check out a GREAT OPPORTUNITY to get some FREE Group Coaching here.

Reflections and Intentions for The Remainder of 2022

This post is my last email for the first half of the year, and as we approach the end of May, I'm reflecting on where the year has gone.

* What did I do?
* Did I celebrate any of my successes, or did they just roll into another day?
* What did I learn?
* Did I grow from the experiences, or did I stick with the familiar self?
* Did I just let life happen, or did I create what I wanted?
* How did I grow?

You get the picture!

Reflection is different than looking in the rearview mirror and living in the past. It's about understanding what we did, what we learned, and, in this case, how can we leverage that learning into the next half of the year versus a new year.

I want to inspire you to go all-in, so to do that, I've created a 2-page PDF that you can download. There is just the right number of questions to get you reflecting, reviewing, setting intentions, and potentially planning out the remainder of your year.

I'm still working on this myself, but here are a couple of things that I know I'm setting intentions toward:

Personal — 

To take a mini vacation. I had not been on a vacation for about two years before I started cancer treatment in June of 2020.

To continue the early morning workouts that have me on the path towards better fitness and greater health.

To set better boundaries with certain situations and people in my life. Yes, I'm not perfect, and there are people and situations in my life that I've struggled with. Like all of us, I'm a work in progress, and I'm not beating myself up over them any longer. So, there's a win!

Business —

To continue writing weekly posts for my loyal readers! Hopefully, you're reading them and implementing some of what I've written.

To continue to offer my signature program, One Size Fits None (the next start date is September 12). But, of course, I'm always open to private coaching.

To grow the twice-monthly group coaching calls that I just started. You do not have to be present. I record the calls, and you get the recording. Ask me questions ahead of time, and I'll answer them on the call.

Now it's your turn.

Set Intentions for The Remainder of The Year

Join my VIP List and I'll send you the PDF, so you can get started today. If in the process, you find you need some assistance, you can schedule a FREE 30-minute call with me. Then together, we can get you through the worksheet.

As always, I'd love to hear from you. What did you learn doing the worksheet?

Happy Reflecting and Planning,


Be The Master of Your Own Narration

During a Zoom call with my current One Size Fits None group, one of the participants, when asked what a takeaway would be from the call, he stated, protecting my thoughts. I love his comments because he continuously gives me inspiration for new blog post ideas.

It is said that where your attention goes, your energy flows, and boy, is that true.

I know from experience that if I get my mind going towards something unworthy of my attention, I can find myself in a downward spiral of poor me. Sitting on that pity pot isn’t fun, so I don’t recommend it.

When negative thoughts take hold, they can leave you feeling sad, unworthy, rejected, etc., as the mind can be a harsh critic. Unfortunately, we usually blame ourselves when the inner critic starts to poke at us.

However, you can change the harsh inner critic to one that is loving and kind. It does take a willingness to change and effort to see it through.

Replace Negative Thoughts!

Here are some steps you can take to protect your thoughts and be the master of your own narration.

Before Bed — You can set the next day up by what you do the night before, so create a positive bedtime routine. For example, read a good book or journal, listen to music you love, meditate, and avoid social media and the news.

Morning Routine — Avoid the negative thinking that it’s time to get up, hate my life, hope I have a better day today, etc. Avoid the phone and emails. Instead, spend a few minutes in meditation, journal, listen to positive podcasts, YouTube, go to the gym, listen to favorite music while getting ready for work and stay in the present moment.

During the Day — Set an intention to stay present with your thoughts. Let go of the past, and not worry about tomorrow. If you find yourself slipping from the present and diving into the past or worrying about what tomorrow may or may not bring, find something you can redirect your attention towards.

Here’s an example — Cody, my horse, might spook at something. His attention has been taken off me and onto something he perceives as scary. So, I distract him by moving his feet—circling him, backing him up, or doing other things to get his focus off the scary object.

Find an object you can touch, smell, or look at that will help pull you out of your negative thoughts and back to the present moment or, like Cody, move your feet. Movement is a great way to distract yourself.

If we are being mindful, we, humans, can do that for ourselves!

This picture gives you some other ideas!

I know that it is not always easy. I get that! Lord knows I’ve had my moments too of living in the past and worrying about the future.

Here’s a great quote from Dr. Joe Dispenza, a New York Times bestselling author.

“If you are truly in the business of change or creating your life, that’s a big responsibility, right? So if something happens to you, you can’t blame anybody because of that — it’s your responsibility to take care of you, right? So then the fundamental question is, … ‘At what point [did] I stop believing that I create my life?’”

Dr. Joe is a favorite of mine, and I highly recommend you click on this link and listen to Dr. Joe talk about How to Unlock the Full Potential of Your Mind. The video is worth the 33 minutes.

Be the Master,


P.S. If you or someone you know could use some help with protecting your thoughts, book a complimentary call so we can chat about how I can help you Be the Master of Your Own Thoughts.

Goal Planning, It's So Simple

I’m a big fan of Tony Robbins, who says that “who says that “Progress equals happiness.” Personally, I think he’s right about that. And what I’ve noticed over the years is when I’m planning and achieving a goal of some sort, I am my happiest.

It’s when I lose sight of my goals and dreams and step off the path that I get frustrated. I may feel like I’m not moving forward, so setting goals and achieving them is big for me.

That’s not to say that I’m always in a high achieving mode or that I don’t fall short of my expectations occasionally, and, you know what, that is OKAY. But, for most of us, achieving success will include failed steps along the way. Even Thomas Edison had 2,774 failed attempts at the light bulb before he achieved success.

The thing is, we all have different dreams and goals and ways we go about reaching them; however, if you hit that place where you are struggling to meet your goal, you might need a little help, and that’s where the S.M.A.R.T. Goal, a 90-day plan comes in.

Of course, not everyone likes to put a goal on paper, but tell you what, it’s been a game-changer for me, and having that growth mindset has helped me in my business and personal life.

Side Note: Plan and Goal are interchangeable for this post.

So, what type of goals are best with a 90-day S.M.A.R.T. Plan? Think of something you may want to increase, decrease, improve upon, reduce, save for, or how you might want to develop yourself.

Here’s a list of at least ten different things you could use this plan for.

  1. Lose weight
  2. Start working out
  3. Play the guitar
  4. Read more books
  5. Run a ½ marathon
  6. Plan a vacation
  7. Learn Spanish
  8. Start writing a book
  9. Declutter your home
  10. Develop better eating habits

So, how do you put the plan to work for you? Follow the steps below, and you’ll have a S.M.A.R.T Plan put together in no time. It shouldn’t take more than 15-30 minutes of your time.

S.M.A.R.T. Plan

Specific — Set a specific goal. Be as clear as you can, setting the goal. Then ask yourself, could it be more specific?

Measurable — The specific goal must be measurable. From where you are today, how can you measure the progress of the target (goal)?

Examples: Weight from a scale, how clothes fit, how you feel, body measurements, etc.

Actions — List as many action steps you can take to help you reach your specific goal. Take your time and make it as comprehensive a list as possible. Then rank the action steps in order of importance.

Examples: Lift weights at the gym three days a week (M/W/F), walk 2 miles (T/Th), go to bed earlier, get to the gym before work, clean out the pantry of all foods not on my plan, etc. Then rank them in order of importance.

Reasons — List all the positives of why you want to achieve this goal. Then list all the negative things that could happen if you didn’t work on your specific goal.

  1. What would your life be like if you did it and if you don’t?
  2. Does it create any other problems or delay something you desire?
  3. Does it change how you feel about yourself or how others think of you?

Timeline – Set a completion date. Ninety days is the optimum time for most purposes; if the goal takes longer, break the goal down into smaller goals that will lead to the primary goal.

Lastly, post this S.M.A.R.T. Plan where you will see it every day. Send a copy to an accountability buddy, a workout partner, your significant other, and a coach, and stay committed and focused on the specific goal!

Remember, it is not Hocus Pocus; it is FOCUS!


So, what goals do you have that the S.M.A.R.T. Goal Planning formula would work for?

Need more ideas or help with planning your goals? Schedule a complimentary 30-minute call with me, and let’s get you on track for whatever goals you want to achieve.

Happy Planning,


Tips to Create a Vision and Move Your Life Forward

In 2014, I entered the Touched by a Horse Program to become an Equine Gestalt Coach, so I could partner with horses to help others achieve their dreams and goals. Two years later, I graduated from the program and opened my business, ‘A Tail of New Beginnings.’ But, when Covid hit, I had to do something different, so my dreams of coaching others and owning my own business wouldn’t die.

As you know, time stands still for no one; there is no catching up and if you want something—visualizing, planning, and taking action steps towards your goals provides the best outcome. Otherwise, you leave things to chance, and you’ll get whatever life throws at you.

I wasn’t about to throw my dreams away, so I rebranded to Vonie Kalich Coaching and created my online signature program, One Size Fits None.

You see, I had a vision, then Covid changed it, so I changed the vision and kept at it until it came to fruition, so I know that you can take what seems impossible and create that which you want to achieve.

I tell you this story because if you’ve ever thought you’ll never achieve your (fill in the blank goal), please don’t give up, or you might miss out on what’s possible.

If you stop believing in yourself and think you can’t achieve what you want, you’ll surely make that your reality.

The time to act for what you want is NOW, not later—remember, time stands still for no one.

Kobi Yamada, a New York Times best-selling author, said, ‘follow your dreams, they know the way.” And do they! 

Visualization, the easy part, gives you the freedom to create and the power to make your life truly amazing.

Tips to Create Your Vision —

Patience — Sometimes patience is hard, but if you continue to believe in yourself and the ideas of what you created in the vision, you’ll find success.

Persistence — Sometimes, dreams and goals can seem to take forever. Check in with yourself and find out if you are swimming upstream or downstream? If you are swimming upstream, perhaps let go of any attachments you might have of what the process should look like and trust that if you let go, you can go with the current.

Action — You must put action steps to the visualization, for without the action steps, the dream will have no opportunity to grow and become a reality.

Journey — Even when you get to what you think is the destination of your dreams and goals; the journey won’t stop there. Before you know it, you’ll start visualizing what else you can achieve.

Gratitude — Give thanks for the journey. It is an opportunity to learn, grow, and understand more of what you want and do not want in your life.

Lastly, speak your dreams and goals out loud. Write them down and read them every day. Then, create a vision board or box and look at it each day. Because each day is a new day, a new beginning, and a new opportunity to achieve your heart’s desire.

Okay, one last thing.

Armed with the knowledge that actions move us forward and can change tomorrow’s results, let’s spend the day creating your vision with a workshop.

WORKSHOP — Vision: Inspire Your Life Forward

• When: Saturday, May 7
• Time: 10:00 am to 2:30 pm
• Cost: $59
• Where: Portland, Oregon, or via Zoom
• Supplies: A supply list will be sent once you’ve registered.

I’ll help guide you through the creative processes of creating a vision board or vision box because you are worth your dreams and goals.

Here’s a link to register for the event.

I hope to see you there or on Zoom.

In love and health,
